Archive for the ‘Publishers’ Category

Hello beautiful Brandy!

February 25, 2009

There are a few comics i’ve really enjoyed. Most of them are violent, funny, superheroic…but none of them are romantic. Well there is the one comicbook which is funny and romantic and truly awesome!

Liberty Meadows is an animal shelter. Frank Cho owns it and woah! It’s one of the finest comic book / strips I’ve read. Agreed, Frank Cho is one of the masters of his time. Also agreed, that Brandy is by far the most beautiful comic character I’ve come across. Agreed, Dean is a male chauvanist and a pig. Also agreed, Liberty Meadows is one of the finest reads in comic books. I don’t own a copy yet.

When I will, I’ll head to a comic con and I’ll get it signed. Yes I will. And I’m hoping it will be Brandy who does the signing. 😀

And maybe Mr. Cho will be there too and he’ll also sign it. 🙂frank_cho_liberty_meadows

(This post is just an excuse to put up some of the exquisite art of Mr. Frank Cho!! )

Brandy 01




Brandy 02


Frank Cho

Liberty Meadows is published by Image Comics and comes in four books: 

Liberty Meadows Book 1: Eden 

Liberty Meadows Book 2: Creature Comforts

Liberty Meadows Book 3: Summer of Love

Liberty Meadows Book 4: Cold, Cold Heart

Thank you Mr. Cho!

– a big fan 🙂

Hello Pain

February 3, 2009

Welcome to the world of the Punisher

Released on MAX comics, the Punisher storyline is one of the finest and most violent stories I’ve ever read. Garth Ennis bring to life a violent world filled with criminals who are running – running hard – from the vigilante.

On a sunny afternoon, Frank Castle took his family to Central Park on a picnic. The picnic turned to a bloodbath when in a bid to kill a Mafia Don, his wife and children were killed in a crossfire.  From there onwards Frank has walked the path of vengeance. And what a vengeance it is!

He surrenders himself to the Police, gets into jail. This is the beginning of this comic book – the Cell! One of the best stories I’ve ever read – the one that got me hooked, lined and sinker’d to the Punisher.






Not a threat, not an ultimatum – the Punisher just states facts!



And then goes on to act….hard, very hard!

The world of the Punisher is filled with crime, hate, bloodlust, violence and justice. And the price one has to pay for its deliverance.  It’s easy to get in, and very very difficult to let go!

The Cell: Garth Ennis-Writer, Lewis LaRosa-Pencils, Tim Bradstreet-Cover, Scott Koblish-Inks & Finishes, Raul Trevino-Colorist – on MAX Comics!

Read it to believe it. Own it to Kick mafia ass!

Hello Noble World!

July 28, 2008

This is a warm story. It soothes.

This is the magic of Kurt Busiek’s Astro City. A comic book unlike any other I’ve read so far. And I’ve certainly read lots. From the mainstream to the underground to the mediocre. But Astro City is way up there, in the highest reaches of the comicbookfandom.

This is one of the truly rare and few comic books than brings alive the whole spandex superhero genre to a new level.

To read a comic book about a solid superhero team effort and explorations and adventure – read the JLA.

To read about a group of beings whose attitude kicks ass and they kick harder than ever before – read the Authority.

To read simply the best stories – the characters that bring nobility and stories that make you want to read more comics and believe in the goodness that shines through pretty much everything – read Kurt Busiek’s Astro City.

the best place to hangout at the comicbookfandom

the best place to hangout at the comicbookfandom

It got me hook, line, sinker and right down to the depths of blue and warm fuzzy sunshine – a joy of being in this world where men tell tales which are worth listening to and reading over and over again.

for justice

Astro City is an Eisner Award Winner (a fitting award too!) – and that makes it a definite winner in my list of comicbooks and collectibles! Written by Kurt Busiek, the series is co-created and illustrated by Brent Anderson with character designs and painted covers by Alex Ross.

coming through to astro city

Kurt Busiek, sir, you rock!!

Click here to visit his homepage.

Hello sexy, beautiful world

July 16, 2008

It’s been a while … but here i am, with some more amazing comicbook art.

The question: what’s sexy?

The answer: the fantastic art of Luis Royo.

This incredibly talented artist turned to comic book art after seeing the art of Moebius and Enki Bilkal. His art is of dark, sensual women – drawn and painted with the clarity and vision of a true master.

But don’t take my word for it…have a lookie –

Luis Royo is a Spanish artist par excellence and has published his art in magazines such as Heavy Metal and many books. Subversive Beauty – is just one of his subliminal books published by NormaEditorial.

Luis Royo has dedicated his art to comics and is an inspiration to many comicbookfans like myself, all over the world! Click here to visit his official home page!

Hail, Me Hearties!

June 17, 2008

Adventure on high seas, pirates, and a woman who is out the get them!

Some times you come across stories that make you wish for a different life. This is definitely one of them! Bringing you a wild tale of a woman Lady Sin, who takes on a ship full of rough sailors and has them follow her into a war of vengeance against a legendary and notorious pirate – Captain Blackjack Tom, in a story that defies the odds and turns out to be one helluva comicbook to read.

This is story of El Cazador – the hunter.

It is a story of vengeance and of high sea adventure.

The Beginning

the adventure begins

The death of Captain Hidalgo

the death of Hidalgo

The Lady who becomes Captain

the stowaway

Lady Sin

The Hunter

the hunter

Extraordinary Art

the attack


Featuring the extraordinary artwork by pencils of Stephen “Silent Steve” Epting, the colours of Francis “Stutterin’ Frank” D’Armata, the fine lettering of David “Deadhand Davy” Lanphear and a bold tale of a woman’s destiny and retribution, written by Charles “Chuck” Dixon (a.k.a. Cap’n Nubbie).

Brought to life in comicbook format by CrossGen Comics.

Hello Joe and Jerry!

June 16, 2008

Five pages out of the story arc – Up, Up and Away – in Action Comics and Superman. Written by Kurt Busiek.

Kurt’s stories are awesome. They leave me with a sense of nobility… a goodness. The Big S. He’s the best there is… no two ways about it!!


And up.

and up


And oops…

oh mannnn

And whoa…


And what happens when you see Superman, returned from the Infinite Crisis having lost his powers and not seen over Metropolis for almost a year, standing by the window in your office? 😀


I bought this TPB! I definitely recommend a buy on this one for anyone who’s into comic books. Imagine Lex Luthor getting his hands on a Kryptonian battleship capable of taking on an entire planet teeming with an advanced civilisation. And the only thing that ship wasn’t designed to taken on – Superman!!

Up Up and Away on Action Comics and Superman – written by Kurt Busiek and Geoff Johns for DC Comics. Superman created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.

Hello Strange, Beautiful World!

June 3, 2008

It is a strange world. And that’s the beauty of it!

This realisation came when I read the Planetary Magazine – a series created by Warren Ellis and John Cassaday published by Wildstorm. At sci-fi tale of mystery and intrigue of the adventures of the Planetary Organisation. It’s a three man group with a person known as – ‘The Fourth Man’ funding it!

Unlimited imagination, a tale that is as interesting as it is challenging. Warren Ellis shows his true genius in stories like these. Inspired by the events in Marvel comics (Fantastic Four), Warren Ellis forges ahead to create a tremedously exciting story that deals with parallel universes, mythical objects of power, God and the random strangeness of events that makes our planet so interesting.

The Planetary*ing Jakita Wagner, The Drummer, Elijah Snow and guest starring Sherlock Homes, Jules Verne and Count Dracula.

A beautiful story and a must-buy comic book.


What this be?

Yes, really!

Yep, could be God!

The Ghost

The Legendary Dead Cop of Hong Kong

Planet Fiction?

Third rock from the sun…and incoming?!

The Planetary

The Planetary – Archaeologists of Impossible

Hello violent world!

May 17, 2008

Violence – the word conjures up images that are graphic – blood, guts, punches and more. When good guys kick evil butt all the way back to where it came from, Hollywood triumphs.

The Midnighter – a superhero who first appeared in a fully loaded comicbook about a rogue superhero team called the Authority. The characters and the books were created by Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch.

MIdnighter gives violence a new meaning. Where the mainstream superheroes – confront but don’t kill, Midnighter does so with a panache nobody can match. Midnighter derives his powers rom the chips embedded in his brain that allow him to win a fight before it happens (he can process a million combinations of the events about the happen and select the one that causes the most damage).

Midnighter is married to Apollo and both have adopted Jenny Quantum. It’s a long story for another post.

But right here, right now – Midnighter is the big hero (as opposed to Superman being the major hero in DC Universe although Batman gets more stories/comics published than Superman does). The Midnighter-Apollo scenario is seen by some as a take on the Superman-Batman: World’s Finest partnership taken to another level.

MIdnighter now enjoys his own eponymous series – written by one of the finest Storyteller/Writer in our times – Garth Ennis. Brought to life in a comicbook by Penciller- Chris Sprouse, Inker – Karl Story, Colored by – Randy Mayor, Lettered by – Phil Balsman for Wildstorm comics.

When a man puts a bomb in your chest and sends you back in time to kill Adolf Hitler so that his dad can rule in place of the Führer, what do you do if you’re the Midnighter?SPLATT!
When a tank fires a shell on you when you’re the Midnighter, you fight fire with fire!Fire!

“I am not a Father. I am not a lover. I am not a friend.

I am what I was bred to be.

And therein lies the problem.”

— the Midnighter

Hello City People!

May 13, 2008

What happens when a genius decides to chart down your everyday life…all the humdrm bits and turn it into a comicbook? The answer is easy. Pure Magic!

That’s what happens when Will Eisner puts his brain and inks to work. Whether its Aamchi Mumbai or New York, New York…Eisner has the keen eye, the inquisitive mind, the superlative hand and the guts to make a comic book that reflects the realities of everyday living!

Here is a man who has one of the most prestigious awards of the comic book industry – the Eisner Awards, named after him. Here is the man who inspired the likes of Warren Ellis and me. 🙂

And that’s just one little aspect of the giant of a man!

Ladies and gents, I humbly present to you the genius of Will Eisner.

The Big City Life

The Big City Life

The Big City Rush

Going Somewhere?

The Big City Streets

Empty Streets

Angry Streets

The Big City Smells


Uptown Smells

Downtown Smells

City People Notebook is conceived, drawn and written by Will Eisner and is published by DC Comics.

An Epic Indian Adventure retold. Hello world!

May 11, 2008

The comic books I’ve read over the years have been mostly in English (because very few are available in Hindi or Marathi, my mother tongue) and are consequently stories from and of people outside of India. Whether it’s Richie Rich or Superman or Tintin or Iznogoud or Asterix or any of the other dozens of comic’s always been about another country, a distant adventure.

Here’s an Indian one.

Presenting the Ramayan 3392 AD (not the epic itself, but building on it). Published by Virgin Comics. Cover art by Alex Ross.